SEO Services:

Statement on Privacy

We believe in respecting your privacy. As such we have made no effort to collect any information about you through this Website. There may be some cookie-settig features in advertising placed on this site by the hosting service but we have no control or influence over such practices.

If you wish to prevent other agencies from tracking your visits to this or other Websites, you may want to consider disabling Javascript and cookies in your browser and/or using a remotely-hosted IP proxy service.

Privacy on the Internet is a controversial topic because consumers are expected to share a minimal amount of information with marketers for the purpose of improving advertising targeting. Many consumers agree with this concept in principle but do not understand that the general practice is to use browser cookies to record and share consumer entity information between advertising sessions.

If you want to "log in" to various Websites you must allow them to set cookies in your browser; it is your browser that remembers you are logged in and the Websites accept your browser's information as confirmation of your access privileges.

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